As usual, I am way behind in updating you with all the baking that's been going on here at Becca Towers over the last few months. I always meant, right from the outset, to blog at the very least weekly so that you would have an idea of how often and what types of things we were baking in the The Kitchen. But then things happen - kids have toddler groups, and then school and after-school activities, and playdates and so on, and updating the blog with all the info and photos on the computer gets moved to the bottom of the priority list. It's not that it's not important, just not in the same league as getting name tags sewn on to clothes, or organising gym kits, or swimming lessons and so forth.
So there's another baking blogger I like to read, Rose Bakes, and she has much the same issues in her blogging life - she bakes more often than I, and homeschools her 6 kids, so is even busier than me. I think she just doesn't sleep, otherwise how does she manage? :) So anyway, she is honest and just blogs a post and says 'Oh, I made these last October...' so I think I may head along that path... What do you think??
But just to mix things up a bit, I have a bit of time now so I'm going to quickly tell you about the cookies that Mini-2 and I made a few hours ago!! School resumed after our lovely long and busy 6 week summer holidays this week, and Mini-2 had asked to make (or technically, eat) some chocolate chip cookies. Then this recipe popped up on my Facebook newsfeed and I was sold. I mean, don't you always have one or two slightly overripe bananas in the house? No? Oh, just me then, ha ha.
It's been many years that I've been baking regularly, and if you've been following the blog or my Facebook page, you'll recall that Mini-1 is bored of cake - won't even eat it if she's away from home - but Mini-2 still enjoys whatever I bake. She really enjoys helping too, whether it's baking or cooking we're doing (Mini-1 not so much). So here she is adding the flour mixture to the wet ingredients.
And this next shot is a gratuitous one really, just so we can see that she's grown, but still likes a wee helping hand to reach into the bowl more easily.
Once both the Reese's peanut butter chips (imported by a pupil from his family's holiday to Florida late last year) and chocolate chips were added the mixture had to be cooled.
And thus we have the result - the first batch quite soft and golden-coloured (I didn't like those as much, but The Team preferred them) and subsequent batches more tanned and crunchy. A not too-strong taste of banana and I'd say we have a winner folks!!