I'm Becca, and am mum to two lovely young girls known as Mini-1 and Mini-2. Together we enjoy baking - for fun, personal enjoyment and to order. I used to work in retail management, and missed the structure of a working day once I'd had my first child. I set us up with a daily routine and we did all sorts of fun stuff to keep us busy, which included the odd bout of baking once she neared her 2nd birthday and beyond. This continued until baby 2 came along, and put paid to routine for a few months. Back on track, we continued happily. The girls are growing up fast though, and we'll soon run out of time to do things together, so I'm making the most of the time we have.
We're social animals and especially like it when friends come to visit, we're good at sharing and like trying out new things - after all, sharing makes things more fun. We're getting plenty of practice at baking, and are improving and enjoying the ride. Though to be fair, it's mostly just me, as the girls are getting busy with school and friends and after-school classes etc. So I'm keeping myself busy, and blogging about it as I go. Although I got a job outside-the-home a couple of years ago, which takes up all the free time I had during the day, we still bake regularly. And my job is in a school, in the Home Economics Department - how fabulous is that?! - so I get to bake and teach for a job. Too fun.
We'd love you to join us for the ride - go on, you know you want to...
Here's an interesting fact or two about me - I was born in one country, spent my youth in another, and my adulthood in yet a third. Odd, no?
I only iron our clothes when the girls aren't about (either at school or asleep) - I read too many horror stories as a new mother, of children pulling on the iron cord and getting whalloped or burnt, to allow them near it. And now, well, it's just a habit.
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