Friday, May 04, 2012

G'day mate, fancy some chocolate?

I've started going to an exercise class on a Monday morning, as they have a creche so Mini-2 is ok there.  They also have a class on a Friday afternoon, but I've not made it to that yet - one week I had a bad dizzy spell and today I felt like baking instead.  We had a playdate this afternoon with friends we hadn't seen for months, and we were all looking forward to it.  I thought cookies would go down nicely for all.

I wanted to try another from the Donna Hay (Australia's Nigella Lawson) book my friend C gave me for a birthday a couple of years ago, Simple Essentials - Chocolate.  There were a few from which to choose, but the Double Chocolate ones looked perfect for the time I had available and I had all the ingredients to hand.  They needed a lot of chocolate - some melted into the mix, some chopped into the mix.  See what I mean? That's a lot of chocolate chips, and more were added after this photo.
The mix was a bit dry, but easily made over 3 dozen small-medium sized cookies, yum.  And they went down a storm with our friends...  Want one?


  1. They look great Becca. I made choc chip cookies this week too. Mine had milk, dark and white chocolate chips. Didn't last long at work :)

    1. Thanks Jac, yes I saw yours - love the comparison testing! Great minds think alike I guess, ha ha

  2. I realise that 'fancy some ___' is not an Australian expression. Any Aussie readers out there? What would the correct expression be please? 'Want some choccy'??


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